Vous pouvez retrouver toutes ces dates sur le site de WA7BNM

+ Classic Exchange, CW 1400Z, Jan 26 to 0800Z, Jan 27
+ QRP ARCI Fireside SSB Sprint 2000Z-2359Z, Jan 26
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0200Z-0330Z, Jan 29
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0200Z-0330Z, Jan 31
+ NCCC Sprint Ladder 0230Z-0300Z, Jan 31
February 2014
+ Vermont QSO Party 0000Z, Feb 1 to 2400Z, Feb 2
+ Triathlon DX Contest 0000Z-0759Z, Feb 1 (RTTY) and
0800Z-1559Z, Feb 1 (SSB) and
1600Z-2359Z, Feb 1 (CW)
+ 10-10 Int. Winter Contest, SSB 0001Z, Feb 1 to 2359Z, Feb 2
+ EPC WW DX Contest 1200Z, Feb 1 to 1200Z, Feb 2
+ Black Sea Cup International 1200Z, Feb 1 to 1159Z, Feb 2
+ FYBO Winter QRP Sprint 1400Z-2400Z, Feb 1
+ Minnesota QSO Party 1400Z-2400Z, Feb 1
+ AGCW Straight Key Party 1600Z-1900Z, Feb 1
+ British Columbia QSO Party 1600Z, Feb 1 to 0400Z, Feb 2
+ Delaware QSO Party 1700Z, Feb 1 to 2359Z, Feb 2
+ Mexico RTTY International Contest 1800Z, Feb 1 to 1759Z, Feb 2
+ North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0400Z, Feb 2

 Trophée F9AA partie CW : 1200z février 01 to 1200z février 02