Mardi 30 octobre
à 16h16 TU sur
145.800 MHz
Ce contact avec une école Italienne sera audible sur toute l’Europe. C’est la station IK1SLD située dans le nord de l’Italie qui assurera le contact en télébridge. Le contact sera aussi retransmis sur l’echolink AMSAT (node 101 377) et JK1ZRW (node 277 208).
La conversation se fera probablement avec l’astronaute Sunita William, voici la liste des questions en anglais :
1. Argon Said: Is it possible to have a fish in a fishbowl?
2. José: Have you got any robot? What is it used for?
3. Pablo: Do you recycle water?
4. Veronica: Have you ever left the spaceship?
5. José Ángel: What do you usually eat?
6. Maria Esperanza: What time zone do you use as reference?
7. Mari Carmen: How would an invertebrate animal life grow in the space? And a vertebrate creature?
8. Laura: Do you like the sightseeing from space? Can you tell us about it?
9. Salma: What are your careers?
10. Maria: What are the required studies for being an astronaut?
11. Ana: Is it possible to have animals in the ISS?
12. Pilar: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
13. David: What is the average of your working day?
14. Alex: Have you ever seen an asteroid?
15. Marta: Can you watch television?
16. Argon Said: How is the plants growth affected by gravity?
17. Jose: Do you make experiments with music?
18. Pablo: How long are you staying in space?
19. Veronica: Could a baby be born at the ISS?
20. Jose Ángel: Have you ever seen a bacterium in the space? Does it change in shape?
21. Maria Esperanza: Which are your hobbies?