ARISS_NASA La station ISS a rendez vous avec l’académie polonaise des enfants le Samedi 5 octobre à 11h37 UTC (13h37 locales).

Le contact se fera en télébridge et sera opéré par W6SRJ situé à Santa Rosa en Californie.

Le contact sera retransmis sur echolink AMSAT (node 101 377) et via JK1ZRW (node 277 208) avec serveur de conférence sur IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.

Le contact se fera en anglais et c’est KF5KDP Luca Parmitano qui répondra aux questions

Liste des questions et vidéo en direct

1. Katarzyna (13): Can you describe preparations to space flight?
2. Samanta (15): What do you have to do to become an astronaut?
3. Nikola (11): Which trainings do you need to become an astronaut?
4. Katarzyna (15): How old was the youngest astronaut and can a child go to space?
5. Adam (12): What do you eat and how do you eat in space?
6. Oskar (13): When will be the next expedition to Mars?
7. Karolina (10): How does personal hygiene look like in space?
8. Sebastian (10): What’s the research you’re doing in space and what are your accomplishments  in it?
9. Filip (5): What is dark matter made of?
10. Józef (8): Do black holes and white holes exist?
11. Szymon(5): Can you see the Eiffel Tower from space? When are you coming back to Earth?
12. Katarzyna (4): Can a baloon full of helium go up in space?
13. Zuzanna (5): Why is there no gravity in space?
14. Katarzyna (7): What do astronauts dream of in space and what do they miss most?
15. Szymon (10): When will be the next expedition to the Moon?


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