Un contact ARISS par télébridge a été programmé pour le 20 juin à 18h36 TU soit 20h36 locales. L’astronaute Gregory Wisman KF5LKT Alexander Gerst répondra aux questions d’un groupe d’étudiants de différents pays. Les groupes sont localisés en Italie et en Belgique. C’est la station IK1SLD dans le nord de l’Italie qui établira le contact avec ISS.
Vous pourrez suivre l’évènement sur EchoLink AMSAT (node 101 377) et JK1ZRW (node 277 208) ainsi que sur le serveur de conférence IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010.
Le contact se fera en anglais
Liste des questions :
1. What kind of physical exercises do you do during the astronaut training?
2. Do you have a fridge on the ISS?
3. Did you participate to survival camps during your astronaut training?
4. Is it difficult to move on the ISS?
5. Did you ever argued with your crew mates?
6. Do you have animals on board the International Space Station?
7. Did you bring a food which is special to you on the ISS?
8. Do you have children?.
9 How long was your training as an astronaut?
10. Were you happy when you got selected as an astronaut?
11. How many hours do you exercise every day?
12. How do you distinguish day and night on ISS?
13. Is astronaut food as good as at home?
14. Are you homesick?
15. What happens if you get sick on the ISS?
16. Do you like science?
17. Do you work as a team on the ISS?
18. Do you think aliens exist?
19. Do you like more rugby, football or martial arts?
20. Did you have many friends when you were a child?