La station spatiale Internationale à rendez vous ce mardi 12 avril à 13h48 UTC avec l’université de Targoviste en Roumanie. Le contact se fera en direct et sera opéré par YO9INI et OR4ISS. Le contact sera audible en Europe sur 145.800 MHz et sera conduit en anglais.
L’évènement sera retransmis sur youtube
Liste des questions
1. Medeea (15): What are the qualities that define an astronaut?
2. Ana (16): What is the worst and the best part of your job?
3. Andreea (17): Have you ever felt the impact of space debris hitting the ISS?
4. Mihai (15): What was the most difficult test that you took during your astronaut training?
5. Catalin (12): What is an everyday thing which is extremely difficult on ISS?
6. Diana(17): What is the most beautiful thing that you can see from space?
7. Laurentiu (15): Have you ever observed solar radiation affecting ISS radio communications?
8. Mihai (15): Is radio communication a passion or a job obligation?
9. Alexandra(17): What is the most interesting discovery made on ISS using plasma?
10. Ioana (14): What’s the biggest difference between expectation and reality when living in space?
11. Radu (14): Has food the same taste in space?
12. Maria (13): What is the first thing you will be doing when you come back to Earth?
13. Alexandru (18): What is your most challenging task on the ISS?
14. Laura (17): How did your know you had a passion for exploration?
15. Mihnea (18): Do you think spaceflight will be accessible for the masses in the future?
16. Andra (15): Given the chance, would you live exclusively on Earth, or on the ISS?
17. Eusebiu (16): Has space travel changed your life?
18. Carla (17): Is it true that after coming back you shouldn’t expose yourself to sunlight?
19. Alexandra (16): What do you do in your free time?
20. Andrei (17): What is the coolest thing that you’ve done in microgravity?