ARISS_NASA-300x142La station spatiale ISS a rendez vous avec Le camp de l’espace à Rantoul dans l’Illinois aux USA, le samedi 6 aout à 15h59 UTC. Le contact se fera en télébridge entre Kate Rubins KG5FYJ et IK1SLD en Italie. Le signal sera audible sur 145.800 MHz sur l’Europe et la vidéo du contact sera transmise sur

Liste des questions

  • 1. How do you train to sleep in space?
  • 2. What type of engine propulsion will we use to go to Mars?
  • 3. Could we drop containers to the Mars surface but leave the engine in orbit?
  • 4. Would a steam powered train whistle work in space?
  • 5. How long did you train for this mission?
  • 6. Could cables be stretched to an EARTH orbiting station & used as tracks to reach orbit?
  • 7. Could cables be stretched to a MARS orbiting station & used as tracks to reach orbit?
  • 8. If a ship left Mars, traveling 17,500 mph, what is the shortest time it could take to reach Earth?
  • 9. What activity do you look forward to the most when you wake up on the ISS?
  • 10. Will you be training for future missions?
  • 11. What is your favorite food on the space station?
  • 12. How many bits of space junk does NASA track & how can we reduce the problem?
  • 13. Are there earth-bound disabilities that might be irrelevant in space weightlessness?
  • 14. Is there art on the walls of the ISS or do you see examples of the Arts in space?
  • 15. If we found cave art on Mars what do you imagine it would depict?
  • 16. Are there any musical instruments on the ISS?
  • 17. Every discipline can be an art; from the people who sew the stitches on a space suit to a computer programmer, aren’t we all artists when we do our best?
  • 18. The theme for SJ 10 is the Arts; should STEM education be changed to STEAM?
  • 19. What music do you listen to on the ISS?
  • 20. What is your favorite form of art?
  • 21. How is the espresso machine working?
  • 22. What fresh foods do you most look forward to on delivery day?
  • 23. When will we first set foot on Mars?
  • 24. When will we go back to the Moon?