L’astronaute Paolo Nespoli IZ0JPA entrera en contact avec Kugluktuk High School, au Nunavut, au Canada le mardi 3 octobre 2017 à 15h32 UTC. Le contact est un télébridge opéré par IK1SLD et sera audible sur l’Europe sur 145.800 MHz FM étroite.
Liste des questions
- 1. How much longer will the space station be in operation?
- 2. The next space station is planned for a moon orbit, why a moon orbit?
- 3. What is the longest we can stay in space given the present technology on the ISS?
- 4. Are there any plans to build gravity modules for the space station and will this allow us to stay longer in space?
- 5. What is the greatest challenge facing you on space station?
- 6. What is the most important qualification or attribute one can have to seek out a career involving work in space?
- 7. What long term impacts occur to those who stay in space for long periods, if any?
- 8. What is daily life like on space station – do you follow a schedule?
- 9. Did you change your diet in preparation for space life or can you eat most of the same foods?
- 10. What are the impacts of zero gravity on overall digestive function?
- 11. Besides humans, what other life forms do you have on board?
- 12. How long can the space station last in orbit without any rocket boost to maintain its orbit?
- 13. Do you ever fly over the Artic and what does that look like from up there?
- 14. Does space look different from where you are?