La station ISS a rendez vous le lundi 29 avril à 11h48 UTC avec Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca, Costitx, avec la participation des écoles Colegio San Jose Obrero, Palma de Mallorca(Islas Baleares-Espana), et Colegio Luis Vives, Palma de Mallorca(Islas Baleares-Espana), en Espagne. La conversation se fera en anglais par télébridge entre W6SRJ etNA1SS. Le signal ne sera pas donc audible en Europe, il sera retransmis en webcast

Liste des questions :

1. When did you decide you wanted to be an astronaut and why?
2. Is it uncomfortable to sleep at zero gravity?
3. How did you feel the first time you arrived in space?
4. We have read that the ISS uses gyroscopes. What are they used for?
5. Why is it that from Earth we can see a blue sky and from the ISS you
aren’t able to?
6. What do you feel when you wake up every morning and see the world so far
away with all its colours and its oceans…?
7. Why do you have to modify the ISS orbit on a regular basis?
8. How do you maintain the facilities on board the ISS?
9. How do you recycle water?
10. What type of food do you eat on the ISS?
11. What’s an astronaut’s daily routine on board the ISS?
12. What impresses you the most about this whole experience?
13. What exercises do you do to maintain a good physical condition?
14. When you are sick, what do you do?
15. What would you like to do that nobody has ever done in space?
16. In your space menu, do you have a favorite dish?
17. What was the most difficult test you had to pass to become an astronaut?
18. Is it hard to adapt to the conditions in outer space?
19. What type of activities can you carry outdo during your free time in
20. Does a watch onboard the ISS keep the same time as if it were on Earth?