A lire sur le site de WA7BNM

+ ARRL September VHF Contest 1800Z, Sep 11 to 0300Z, Sep 13
+ North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 12
+ 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint 0000Z-0200Z, Sep 13
+ K1USN Slow Speed Test 0000Z-0100Z, Sep 13
+ Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest 0100Z-0159Z, Sep 14
+ RTTYOPS Weeksprint 1700Z-1900Z, Sep 14
+ Phone Weekly Test – Fray 0230Z-0300Z, Sep 15
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Sep 15
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1900Z-2000Z, Sep 15
+ RSGB 80m Autumn Series, CW 1900Z-2030Z, Sep 15
+ Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest 0000Z-0100Z, Sep 16 and
0200Z-0300Z, Sep 17
+ NAQCC CW Sprint 0030Z-0230Z, Sep 16
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 0300Z-0400Z, Sep 16
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 0700Z-0800Z, Sep 16
+ RTTYOPS Weeksprint 1700Z-1900Z, Sep 16
+ BCC QSO Party 1830Z-1859Z, Sep 16
+ EACW Meeting 1900Z-2000Z, Sep 16
+ NCCC RTTY Sprint 0145Z-0215Z, Sep 17
+ NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Sep 17
+ K1USN Slow Speed Test 2000Z-2100Z, Sep 17
+ AGB NEMIGA Contest 2100Z-2400Z, Sep 17
+ Collegiate QSO Party 0000Z, Sep 19 to 2359Z, Sep 20
+ SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest 0500Z-0700Z, Sep 18 (6m) and
0700Z-0900Z, Sep 18 (2m) and
0900Z-1100Z, Sep 18 (70cm) and
0500Z-0700Z, Sep 19 (6m) and
0700Z-0900Z, Sep 19 (2m) and
0900Z-1100Z, Sep 19 (70cm)
+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest 0600 local, Sep 18 to 2400 local, Sep 19
+ Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW 1200Z, Sep 18 to 1200Z, Sep 19
+ Iowa QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 18 to 0200Z, Sep 19
+ Texas QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 18 to 0200Z, Sep 19 and
1400Z-2000Z, Sep 19
+ QRP Afield 1500Z-2100Z, Sep 18
+ Wisconsin Parks on the Air 1600Z-2300Z, Sep 18
+ Washington State Salmon Run 1600Z, Sep 18 to 0700Z, Sep 19 and
1600Z-2400Z, Sep 19
+ New Jersey QSO Party 1600Z, Sep 18 to 0359Z, Sep 19
+ New Hampshire QSO Party 1600Z, Sep 18 to 0400Z, Sep 19 and
1600Z-2200Z, Sep 19
+ Feld Hell Sprint 1800Z-1959Z, Sep 18
+ North American Sprint, RTTY 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 19
+ BARTG Sprint PSK63 Contest 1700Z-2059Z, Sep 19
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 2300Z, Sep 19 to 0100Z, Sep 20
+ K1USN Slow Speed Test 0000Z-0100Z, Sep 20
+ 144 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local – 2300 local, Sep 20