A lire sur le site de WA7BNM

+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest 0100Z-0300Z, Mar 17
+ Bucharest Contest 1800Z-2059Z, Mar 17
+ CLARA HF Contest 1700Z, Mar 18 to 1700Z, Mar 19 and
1700Z, Mar 22 to 1700Z, Mar 23
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0100Z-0230Z, Mar 19
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Mar 19 and
1900Z-2000Z, Mar 19 and
0300Z-0400Z, Mar 20
+ NAQCC Straight Key/Bug Sprint 0030Z-0230Z, Mar 20
+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB 2000Z-2130Z, Mar 20
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0100Z-0230Z, Mar 21
+ NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Mar 21