
La station spatiale ISS a rendez vous le samedi 23 avril à 12h10 UTC avec la Wellesley house school de Kent en Grande Bretagne. Ce sera un contact direct opéré par GB1WHS. Le contact sera audible en Europe sur 145.800 MHz bande étroite FM

Liste des questions

  • 1. Benny (age 12): Today is International Marconi Day; how do you think Marconi would feel about this radio communication?
  • 2. (Ruby (age 8): From space, what evidence can you see that humans are having a negative impact upon planet Earth?
  • 3. Robert (age 12): We are planting seeds brought back by the Russian cosmonauts at Ursuline. How do you think they will grow?
  • 4. Ellie (age 7): What happens to a compass in Space?
  • 5. Scarlett (age 7): It is 400 years today since Shakespeare died. Which Shakespearean quote do you think best describes your mission?
  • 6. Erica (age ): What is the biggest lesson you have learned whilst being in Space? (Chartfield)
  • 7. Alica (age 10): How do you think being in space has changed you? (River)
  • 8. Max (age 7): Do bacteria multiply at the same rate in a low gravity environment? (Pluckley)
  • 9. Oliver (age 11): What do you need to do to acclimatise back to the Earth’s gravity on your return? (Garlinge)
  • 10. Joe (age 9): Did you ever dream about becoming an astronaut when you were a child? (St L Junior Acad)
  • 11. Ethan (age 12): What space exploration do you think we will be doing in 200 years? (Smarden)
  • 12. Benny (age 12): Have you played any jokes on your colleagues on the ISS? Scarlett
  • 13. Ruby (age 8): What is the first thing you are going to do when you get home? (St Lawrence)
  • 14. Robert (age 12): What was your spacewalk like? Elsie Meades (St Mildreds)
  • 15. Ellie (age 7): What’s your favourite experiment to conduct, and why? (Bromstone)
  • 16. Scarlett (age 7): What do you do if there is a fire on the ISS?
  • 17. Erica (age 10): Have you ever seen any other objects go past you in space such as comets or asteroids? (St George’s C of E)
  • 18. Alisha (age 10): Will you be visiting schools when you return to Earth? And will you please visit Wellesley House? (again)
  • 19. Max (age 7): How is time different in space?
  • 20. Oliver (age 11): Do you get a proxy vote if you are in space?