ISS a a rendez vous avec le collège de Komitini en Grèce le jeudi 16 février à 9h50 UTC. C’est Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD qui sera au micro et SV7APQ qui posera les questions. Le contact sera audible sur l’europe du sud sur 145.800 MHz en bande FM étroite.

Liste des questions

  • 1. Nikos (14): What is the most challenging problem of living in space?
  • 2. Elena (14): Can you see the moon closer from Earth, is it different?
  • 3. Kostantinos (15): How do you stabilize the food on the table?
  • 4. Setsil (15): How often do you do extravehicular activity?
  • 5. Georgia (15): Is it very difficult to become an astronaut?
  • 6. Kiriaki (15): Do you have sufficient oxygen in ISS?
  • 7. Magda (15): If you had just one wish to become true for your job what would it be?
  • 8. John (15): If a member of the crew is injured can you give him first aid?
  • 9. Gabriela (15): When you come back to earth, is it easy for you to walk?
  • 10. Erifili (15): Which is the difference between day and night in Earth and in Moon?
  • 11. Andreas (15): What is the main target of your expedition?
  • 12. Fotis (15): Can you see meteor showers from space?
  • 13. Chistina (14): Have you ever seen a comet from space?
  • 14. Maria (15): How long did the preparation for this expedition last?
  • 15. Alexandros (15): How many hours do you work, do you have shifts?
  • 16. Paris (15): What is the most extreme procedure of your expedition?
  • 17. Maria-Despoina (15): What is your favorite food in space?
  • 18. Dimitris (14): How old were you when you decided to become an astronaut and what was the motive of your decision?