La station ISS a rendez vous le Jeudi 20 juin à 12h48 UTC avec Rowan Preparatory School, Claygate, United Kingdom

La conversation se fera en anglais entre Nick Hague KG5TMV et  NA1SS et GB4ARPS.

Liste des questions

  • 1. Sophia (Yr 1): How did the International Space Station get built when it just balances in the air?
  • 2. Izzy (Yr 2): What are the challenges to growing food in space if astronauts are to stay in space for longer?
  • 3. Emily (Yr 3): Does your digestion change because in space there is no gravity so your intestine will float in your body?
  • 4. Ashley (Yr 4): Of all the experiments that you have done in space, what has given the most surprising result or has been the most exciting?
  • 5. Alessi (Yr 5): If you spin a ball in the ISS will it keep spinning or will it stop, and if it stops, what stops it?
  • 6. Alannah: (Yr 6): In the future, will it be possible that someone can spend their entire life in space and if so, would their life expectancy change?
  • 7. Grace (Yr 2): If you do a handstand in space does your blood go to your head if there is no gravity?
  • 8. Delilah (Yr 4): Is there anything you could learn about how bacteria and viruses behave in space that could help us defeat infectious bugs around the Earth?
  • 9. Emilia (Yr 5): NASA have said that they will establish a permanent presence on the moon within the next decade, how will they do this and what is the most exciting benefit for human kind?
  • 10. Anya (Yr 6): In all of your time spent on board the ISS, what is the most exciting and extraordinary thing that you have experienced?
  • 11. Sophia saying Zoe’s question (Yr 1): What new information about space are you hoping to learn?
  • 12. Izzy saying Ballie’s question (Yr 2): Can you escape from a black hole?
  • 13. Emily saying Eloise’s question (Yr 3): We have learnt that astronauts are very busy and work long hours. So when you have free time, what do you do for fun?
  • 14. Ashley saying Annabel’s question (Yr 4): How do you get rid of rubbish in space?
  • 15. Alessi saying Sabine’s question (Yr 5): What are you looking forward to the most in nature when you return?
  • 16. Alannah saying Lucy’s question (Yr 6): Our teachers and parents tell us that having a balanced diet is important. Is your diet closely monitored or do you have freedom to choose what you eat? What is your favourite meal?
  • 17. Grace saying Olivia’s question (Yr 1): How do you sleep in space?
  • 18. Delilah saying Amelia’s question (Yr 3): What kind of dangers might you experience in space?
  • 19. Emilia saying Luna’s question (Yr 2): What is the most beautiful thing you can see in space?
  • 20. Anya saying 4J’s question (Yr 4): We have heard that some people don’t believe that the Moon landing took place, what is the best evidence that we have to disprove this theory?